File Under: Sex and Marriage

Politics and Sex (Not the Way You Think)

I’m taking a risk on this post, being so new at the whole sex-blogging thing. But, what the fuck. Nothing ventured…

I admit it. I’m a HUGE politics buff. To boot, I’m a big Barack Obama supporter. So, the past month and a half have not been pleasant for me. He was kicking all sorts of Clinton ass in February and then hit the skids a bit in March. Then his crazy pastor showed up in the news, then disappeared, then showed up again last week and humanized himself, then went crazy again, then Obama had to show him the door, then…ANYWAY, I got so sick and tired of hearing about his fucking pastor that I don’t even miss my expanded subscription – which included MSNBC, CNN, etc. – to DirecTV. The XM RoadyXT that replaced it works just fine, thanks. I’m a big fan of justice and fairness and all that stuff, so the undue attention (in my opinion) paid to a man that isn’t running for president was all a bit much for me. We’ve all got crazy friends. Heck, the guy I hired as my former assistant manager was a born-again Christian. Let’s just say I’m not. Does that mean that I believe what he does? Nope. End of story.

So, what the FUCK does this have to do with sex? Well, let’s say that I get a little wrapped up in the political atmosphere on election nights. My wife has actually gotten to the point where she plans her little getaways to HER blog on nights the results come trickling in. She knows I’ll either be watching the TV or sitting on the computer (as I am tonight), hoping that Barack pulls it off. What politics does NOT do, however, is get me horny. More specifically, politics that I don’t like doesn’t make me horny. Listening to Hillary Clinton’s latest version of the truth doesn’t give me wood. Not that Obama’s words do, either. However, at least when Barack talks, I’m inspired. It makes me feel good. It makes me want to do good. When Obama loses – and I feel that some of them come after shit-filled lies and senseless pandering – I’m not in a very good mood. This doesn’t bode well for me or my wife.

So, why am I writing this? Well, Barack Obama kicked some ass in North Carolina and came in well better than expected in Indiana. There have been calls for Hillary to step aside…finally…and let Obama take the baton in from here. Will it happen? Probably not. Will it translate to more sex? We’ll see. However, the light is at the end of the tunnel for me and I’m hoping my wife will see the change in my mood soon )

Now, drop a few bucks into Obama’s coffers and help him kick some McCain ass.

May 10, 2008 - Posted by | Sex and Other Fun Stuff | , , ,

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